This number is a prime.
733 (MHz) was the largest prime "chip" among 20th century processors. [Kulsha]
733 = 7 + 3! + 3!! is prime. [Meyrignac]
Hank Aaron hit 733 home runs in the National League. [McCranie]
733 = 17 + 26 + 35 + 44 + 53 + 62 + 71 + 80. [Vrba]
The smallest beastly cousins prime, i.e., prime p such that p +/- 666 are primes. [Beedassy]
The first of the smallest four emirps that form a sequence of four consecutive primes. [Silva]
There are 733 seven-digit prime quadruplets. [Homewood]
The smallest reversible prime whose reversal is the sum of the reversals of first non-reversible primes. [Silva]
733+666^2=444289, 444+289=733; 733+666^3=295409029, 295+409+29=733; 733+666^5=131030122141309, 131+30+122+141+309=733. Note that all the three numbers above, 666+733 as well 666733 are primes. The only other prime sharing the same properties is 1327. [Petrov]
The largest prime in the largest known case of n primes of form n!+nth prime, for n consecutive numbers, (n=6), i.e., 6!+ 6th prime = 733, 5! + 5th prime = 131, 4! + 4th prime = 31, 3! + 3rd prime = 11, 2! + 2nd prime = 5, 1! + 1st prime = 3. [Loungrides]