This number is a composite.
The sum of the non-prime divisors of 54 is a Mersenne prime exponent. [Noll]
The 54th prime is the smallest number that is the sum of three cubes in two ways. [Noll]
The sum of denoninators of the Bernoulli numbers less than or equal to 54 is prime. [Noll]
1354 + 54 is prime. [Noll]
(54!/45!)-1 is prime. [Patterson]
7^54+54^7 is the only non-titanic prime of form 7^n+n^7. [Loungrides]
(There are 5 curios for this number that have not yet been approved by an editor.)
Printed from the PrimePages <t5k.org> © G. L. Honaker and Reginald McLean