This number is a prime.
50 7995698619
Start with the prime 507995698619. Add it with the two next primes to get a sum which is prime. Repeat. The first 10 sums are prime. This is the first case with more than 8.
Starting prime: 507995698619 + 507995698643 + 507995698669 = 1523987095931 + 1523987095949 + 1523987095957 = 4571961287837 + 4571961287923 + 4571961288017 = 13715883863777 + 13715883863789 + 13715883863827 = 41147651591393 + 41147651591411 + 41147651591443 = 123442954774247 + 123442954774259 + 123442954774291 = 370328864322797 + 370328864322847 + 370328864322887 = 1110986592968531 + 1110986592968533 + 1110986592968633 = 3332959778905697 + 3332959778905703 + 3332959778905711 = 9998879336717111 + 9998879336717113 + 9998879336717129 = 29996638010151353[Andersen]
Printed from the PrimePages <t5k.org> © G. L. Honaker and Chris K. Caldwell