This number is a prime.
The smallest prime using all the prime digits that forms another prime when each digit d is repeated d times: 3335555522227777777. Note that both primes contain a prime number of digits. [Beedassy]
The smallest prime with all the prime digits that forms with its reversal palindromic primes of the forms "primemirp" and "emirprime": 352272253 ; 722535227. Note that the reversal 72253 belongs to a "twimirp" pair (i.e., twin primes that are both emirps): (72251, 72253). [Beedassy]
(35227, 35327, 35537) is the first case of three consecutive prime-digit primes in the sequence of Honaker primes. Note that these are also emirps. [Loungrides]
The smallest prime-digit Honaker prime containing all the prime digits {2, 3, 5, 7} such that (a) replacing each digit by its square (9254449) and (b) replacing each digit by its cube (2712588343), prime is obtained in each case. [Bajpai]