This number is a prime.

+ There were 2753 episodes from the original NBC Daytime version of Jeopardy!.

+ The absolute value of 36n2 - 810n + 2753 is prime for 0 ≤ n ≤ 44. The values of this polynomial are never divisible by a prime less than 59. [Fung and Ruby]

+ The number of 6-digit primes that can be formed by taking together two 3-digit primes in increasing order. Note the distinct prime digits. [Beedassy]

+ The elevation of Mount Magazine (Arkansas's highest point) in feet.

+ The Dow Jones Industrial Average ended the 1980's at 2753 points. [Cuenta]

+ 2753 and 2^7-5^3 are both primes. Note that 2^7-5^3 is the only prime of form p=a^b-c^d, where a, b, c, d are the prime digits. [Loungrides]

+ The only prime-digit Sophie Germain prime with distinct digits. [Gaydos]

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