This number is a prime.
The MULTIPLE PRECISION JavaScript Calculator was created by Patrick De Geest of Belgium in 1997. Its construction was stopped due to the discovery of UBASIC.
phi(1997) = 1!2 + 9!2 + 9!2 + 7!2. Note that the prime 1997 is the only number greater than one with this property. [Firoozbakht]
Prime numbers and Cartesian coordinates play a key role in the 1997 movie Cube. [Prisacariu]
The Internet's first general-purpose distributed computing project (www.distributed.net) was founded in 1997. Among its first projects was cracking RSA and DES encryption keys.
The first airplane to fly for Amazon Prime Air has registration N1997A. [Ace]
1997: (1997, 2003) is the only non-titanic sexy pair of primes of form 2*10^p-p and 2*10^p+p, where p is a prime (p=3). [Loungrides]
Bourland and Johnston edited a book in 1997 called, "E-Prime III: a third anthology."