This number is a prime.
A "Bemirpyramid" of length 18: 16819001081 1110190011011 109001900111081 10188119001111991 1000069190011198661 100000091900110080961 10000000019001108808801 1000000000190011096011191 180000000011900101810819901 18000000001019001001888899001 1800000008100190010001606068101 180000000810001900100001161611891 18000000081000019001000001669190061 1800000008100000190010000001996886801 180000000900000001900100000001601081801 18000000086000000019001000000001890961611 1900000009100000000190010000000001081108611 190000000960000000001900100000000001189198681
Found by Metin Sariyar of Istanbul, Turkey.
The smallest bemirp that is the sum of seven consecutive "April Fools primes" (2701 + 2703 + 2709 + 2717 + 2721 + 2723 + 2727). [Bajpai]
The larger of only two 5-digit ZIP Codes that are bemirps. It belongs to Abington Township, PA. (You can find the other location by inverting 19001, then reading it backwards.)
Printed from the PrimePages <t5k.org> © G. L. Honaker and Chris K. Caldwell