This number is a prime.
The smallest emirp that contains all of the straight digits only. [Gupta]
The smallest 4-digit prime equal to the number of monosubstituted alkanes C(n-1)H(2n-1)-X with n-1 carbon atoms that are not stereoisomers. [Russo]
The first emirp p equal to the sum of the n first strong primes (n=17). Note that n and p are strong emirps. [Loungrides]
The smallest super-3 prime (emirp) p, i.e., a prime p such that 3p^3 contains 3 consecutive 3's in its decimal representation. [Loungrides]
1471 is a Pythagorean emirp. [Anitha]
Starting with 2 at the top, there should be a palindromic prime pyramid of step size four with height around 1471.
Printed from the PrimePages <t5k.org> © G. L. Honaker and Chris K. Caldwell