This number is a composite.
A prime number with at least 1,000,000 digits is called a megaprime.
One of the Clay Mathematics Institute's Millennium Prize Problems (The Riemann Hypothesis) implies results about the distribution of prime numbers; a prize of $1,000,000 is offered for its proof. [McAlee]
Paul Erdős said, shortly before he died, "It will be another 1,000,000 years, at least, before we understand the primes."
Physicists attack math's $1,000,000 question. [Wolchover]
The smallest positive integer not found in the digits of the current largest known prime (2^82589933-1). [Gaydos]
Activity: Copy and paste the following to the space below 'Enter code:' at Applesoft BASIC in Javascript, then click RUN:
02 REM The First 1,000,000 Prime Numbers 03 REM www.PrimeCurios.com 05 PRINT "2" 07 PRINT "3" 11 FOR N = 3 TO 15485863 STEP 2 13 FOR D = 3 TO N STEP 2 17 IF N/D = INT(N/D) THEN 31 19 IF N/D < SQR(N) THEN 29 23 NEXT D 29 PRINT N 31 NEXT N 37 END
The dollar amount given to the first person solving Beal's conjecture. [Gudipati]