This number is a composite.

+ 2999 + 1239 is the smallest 1000-bit prime. [Kulsha]

+ The first millennium with no prime is 13893290219204000 to 13893290219204999. [Grøndalen]

+ 2999 + 33899096913 {+ 0,+ 2,+ 6,+ 8} is the first 1000-bit prime quadruplet. [Luhn]

+ 1000 can be expressed using the first three primes as 2^3 * 5^3. [Priebel]

+ The First 1,000 Primes.

+ The 147th prime + 147 equals a thousand. [Bopardikar]

+ Smallest number that generates three primes in the fastest way possible by concatenation of decremented numbers (1000999, 1000999998997, and 1000999998997996995994993 are prime). Note that the criterion excludes counting the number itself. [Merickel]

+ The term titanic prime (a prime number with at least 1000 decimal digits) was coined by Samuel D. Yates. [Miller]

+ The only known power of ten that can be represented as the product of three successive primes minus 1, i.e., 10^3 = 7*11*13-1. [Loungrides]

+ (11^11+22^22+33^33+44^44+55^55+66^66+77^77+88^88+99^99) minus 1000 is prime. [Bopardikar]

+ 1000 is the second cube that is the sum of two consecutive Sophie Germain primes (491 + 509). Is there a larger cube with this property? [Gaydos]

+ Gauss began counting prime numbers, one “chiliad,” or group of 1000 units, at a time. [Spriggs]

(There is one curio for this number that has not yet been approved by an editor.)

Printed from the PrimePages <t5k.org> © G. L. Honaker and Chris K. Caldwell