Palindromic prime ZIP Codes

 Staten Island NY 10301
 Amawalk NY 10501
 White Plains NY 10601
 Cambria Heights NY 11411 (Photo credit: Joan Carter) 
 Denver NY 12421
 Bloomingburg NY 12721
 Comstock NY 12821
 Eagle Bay NY 13331 (Photo credit: Rob Searing)
 Great Valley NY 14741
 Lake Lynn PA 15451
 Markleton PA 15551
 West Sunbury PA 16061
 Tylersburg PA 16361
 Madera PA 16661
 Wilmington DE 19891
 Adairsville GA 30103
 Calhoun GA 30703
 Avera GA 30803
 Clinchfield GA 31013
 Baxley GA 31513
 Lanark Village FL 32323
 Bascom FL 32423
 Crane Hill AL 35053
 Graham AL 36263
 Millington TN 38083
 Germantown TN 38183
 Sparta TN 38583
 Nineveh IN 46164
 Lafayette LA 70507
 Lake Charles LA 70607
 Little Rock AR 72227
 Elkins AR 72727
 Mounds OK 74047
 Kemp OK 74747
 Iowa Park TX 76367
 Mexia TX 76667
 Tomball TX 77377
 Stafford TX 77477
 Placedo TX 77977 (Photo credit: Rhiannon Hoff)
 Abilene TX 79697
 El Paso TX 79997
 Kettleman City CA 93239
 Oakland CA 94649
 Novato CA 94949
 Nevada City CA 95959 (Photo credit: Thomas Green)
 FPO AP 96269
 Makaweli HI 96769

Less than 50 of the 100000 possible 5-digit ZIP Codes which are currently in use are palindromic primes. The content editor will credit any photograph sent which displays a Post Office (with number visible) in any of these locations.

Printed from the PrimePages <> © G. L. Honaker and Reginald McLean