First missing Curio!
We have presented prime curios for hundreds of integers, but still have missed so many! The first prime number which is missing a prime curio is
10193 | 10259 | 10267 | 10321 | 10357 |
10391 | 10399 | 10433 | 10453 | 10463 |
10487 | 10531 | 10559 | 10567 | 10613 |
Does that mean there is no prime number related curiosity about this integer?
No, just that we have not found one worthy of inclusion yet. In fact, below is a proof (okay, a joke proof), that every positive integer has an associated prime curio. So if you know a great curio for 10169, please submit it today!
First we need a definition. We will be a little stronger than Merriam-Webster's definition of curio and make our curios short:
A prime curio about n is a novel, rare or bizarre statement about primes involving n that can be typed using at most 100 keystrokes.
"Proof": Let S be the set of positive integers for which there is no associated prime curiosity. If S is empty, then we are done. So suppose, for proof by contradiction, that S is not empty. By the well-ordering principle S has a least element, call it n. Then n is the least positive integer for which there is no associated prime curio. But our last statement is a prime curio for n, a contradiction showing S does not have a least element and completing the proof.
(For further discussion of this pseudo-proof, see the page a Curious Paradox.)