This number is a prime.
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It is curious that the reverse of 2087^9 is prime: 2087^9 =
751107401498753081320863207527: its reverse =
725702368023180357894104701157 is prime.
20^2087 - repeat(2087, 423 times) is prime: this 2716-digit prime ends with repeat(9, 395 times), followed by 791, followed by repeat(2791, 422 times), and ends with 3: also note that 2791 is prime; 30^2087 - repeat(2087, 461 times) is prime: this 3083 digit prime ends with repeat(9, 243 times), followed by 791, followed by repeat(2791, 460 times), and ends with 3: also note that 2791 is prime; 24^2087 + repeat(2087, 509 times) is prime: this is a 2881-digit prime: also note that 509 is prime.
32^2087 - 208720872087208720872087208720872087208720872087208720872087208720872087208720872087208720872087208720872087208720872087208720872087208720872087208720872087208720872087208720872087208720872087208720872087208720872087208720872087208720872087208720872087208720872087208720872087208720872087208720872087208720872087208720872087208720872087208720872087 = 2^10435 - repeat(2087, 87 times) is a 3142-digit prime. [Noll]
Submitted: 2009-07-07 01:23:48; Last Modified: 2009-10-10 01:41:18.
Printed from the PrimePages <t5k.org> © G. L. Honaker and Chris K. Caldwell