
This number is neither prime nor composite.

                                          0 .686777834 4606349544 2654022370
6769269227 0026376225 0420739342 5294011531 0087700437 3669695301 0676825901

Single Curio View:   (Seek other curios for this number)
The zero of the power series P(x) whose coefficient of x^n is equal to the nth prime, i.e., P(x) = 1 - 2x + 3x2 - 5x3 + 7x4 - 11x5 + 13x6 - .... [Post]

Submitted: 2005-03-31 19:52:23;   Last Modified: 2008-02-06 17:44:26.
Printed from the PrimePages <t5k.org> © G. L. Honaker and Chris K. Caldwell