Great Internet Mersenne Prime Search by Woltman & Kurowski


A titan, as defined by Samuel Yates, is anyone who has found a titanic prime. This page provides data on those that have found these primes. The data below only reflects on the primes currently on the list. (Many of the terms that are used here are explained on another page.)

Proof-code(s): MP1
Active wild codes: ^G\d+
E-mail address: (e-mail address unpublished)
Web page:
Username GIMPS (entry created on 1/18/2000 18:50:53 UTC)
Database id:42 (entry last modified on 10/21/2024 21:21:55 UTC)
Active primes:on current list: 18, rank by number 8
Total primes: number ever on any list: 18
Production score: for current list 58 (normalized: 498828), rank by score 1
Largest prime: 2136279841 - 1 ‏(‎41024320 digits) via code MP1 on 10/21/2024 21:29:12 UTC
Most recent: 2136279841 - 1 ‏(‎41024320 digits) via code MP1 on 10/21/2024 21:29:12 UTC
Entrance Rank: mean 1.11 (minimum 1, maximum 2)

Descriptive Data: (report abuse)

In the past fifty years a number of individuals wrote software and developed databases to aid in the search for Mersenne primes. In early 1996 George Woltman had the idea of using the internet to coordinate this search and developed GIMPS: the Great Internet Mersenne Prime Search. He developed a web site (above) which offers excellent free software, allowing users on all platforms to join the search with very little effort. GIMPS seeks new primes while also seeking to factor the composite Mersennes and double (and triple) check previous results.

In late 1997 Scott Kurowski, founder of Entropia Inc., created PrimeNet allowing GIMPS' programs to talk directly to a central database over the Internet without human intervention. This greatly expanded the number of people who could be involved, and the rate at which the database could be updated. Aaron Blosser is now the system administrator, upgrading and maintaining PrimeNet as needed--so is also credit with the find of the G14 prime.

Thanks to the work of Scott, George, and many others; GIMPS includes over 100,000 people using over 200,000 computers! All of these folks deserve partial credit for each of GIMPS' achievements!

GIMPS has found five Mersenne primes, and equally importantly (for mathematicians) has shown large regions to be void of Mersenne primes.

Surname: GIMPS (used for alphabetizing and in codes).
Unverified primes are omitted from counts and lists until verification completed.
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