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Item(s) in original BibTeX format

	author={R. C. Baker and G. Harman},
	title={The difference between consecutive primes},
	abstract={The main result of the paper is that for all large $x$, the interval $A=[x-x^{0.535},x]$
		contains prime numbers. The most recent published result meeting rigorous
		standards is due to Iwaniec and Pintz ($0.547\dots$ in place of $0.535$).
		The idea is to begin with asymptotic formulas for sums over products such
		as $pqm$ in $A$ where $p$ and $q$ run over primes in suitably restricted
		intervals and $m$ over some set of integers. One then builds on these formulae
		using the sieve method of Harman (`On the distribution of $\alpha p$ modulo
		one' J. London Math. Soc. 27 (1983), 9--18), to obtain asymptotic formula
		for sums of the type $$\sum_m \sum_n a_m b_n S(A_{mn}, z),$$ the number
		$z$ being a positive power of $x$ depending on the size of $m$ and $n$.
		From this point, the use of Buchstab's identity enables one to reach a
		lower bound for the number of primes in $A$ of $c$ times the expected value.
		Certain integrals in two and four dimensions must be bounded above, using
		a computer calculation, in order to ensure a positive value of $c$.},
	journal= plms,
	volume= 72,
	year= 1996,
	series= 3 

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