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D. Bernstein, "Circuits for integer factorization: a proposal," (2001) Available from
Abstract: The number field sieve takes time L1.901...+o(1) on a general purpose computer with L0:950...+o(1) bits of memory; here L is a particular subexponential function of the input size. It takes the same time on a parallel trial-division machine, such as Cracker or TWINKLE, of size L0.950...+o(1). It takes time only L1.185...+o(1) on a machine of size L0.790...+o(1) explained in this paper. This reduction of total cost from L2.852...+o(1) to L1.976...+o(1) means that a ((3:009... +o(1))d)-digit factorization with the new machine has the same cost as a d-digit factorization with previous machines.
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