
The Prime Pages keeps a list of the 5000 largest known primes, plus a few each of certain selected archivable forms and classes. These forms are defined in this collection's home page.

This page is about one of those forms.

(up) Definitions and Notes

A palindrome (from the Greek palindromos "running back again") is a word, verse, sentence, or integer that reads the same forward or backward. For example, "Able was I ere I saw Elba" or 333313333. Here is a little longer one by Peter Hilton (a code-breaker on the British team that cracked the German Enigma):
Doc, note. I dissent. A fast never prevents a fatness. I diet on cod.

Sotades the obscene of Maronea (3rd century BC) is credited with inventing the palindrome. Though today only eleven lines of his works still remain, he is thought to have recast the entire Illiad as palindromic verse. Sotades also wrote lines which when read backwards had the opposite meaning, now sometimes called Sotadic verses. Sotades attacked many with his unrestrained toungue, and eventually was jailed by Ptolemy II. Sotades eventually escaped, but Ptolemy's admiral Patroclus caught him, sealed him in a leaden chest and tossed him into the sea.

Though palindromic numbers have no significant role in modern mathematics, the survival of the old mysticism so often attached to numbers (perfect numbers, amicable numbers, abundant numbers...) insures the palindromes a secure place in the heart of the amateur numerologists.

(up) Record Primes of this Type

rankprime digitswhowhencomment
1102718281 - 5 · 101631138 - 5 · 101087142 - 1 2718281 p423 Aug 2024 Palindrome
2102000007 - 101127194 - 10872812 - 1 2000007 p423 Jan 2024 Palindrome
3102000005 - 101051046 - 10948958 - 1 2000005 p423 Jan 2024 Palindrome
4101888529 - 10944264 - 1 1888529 p423 Oct 2021 Near - repdigit, palindrome
5101234567 - 20342924302 · 10617278 - 1 1234567 p423 Sep 2021 Palindrome
6101234567 - 1927633367291 · 10617277 - 1 1234567 p423 Jun 2023 Palindrome
7101234567 - 3626840486263 · 10617277 - 1 1234567 p423 Sep 2021 Palindrome
8101234567 - 4708229228074 · 10617277 - 1 1234567 p423 Sep 2021 Palindrome
910490030 + 10309648 + 12345678987654321 · 10245007 + 10180382 + 1 490031 p363 Dec 2024 Palindrome
1010490000 + 3 · (107383 - 1)/9 · 10241309 + 1 490001 p413 Aug 2021 Palindrome
1110474500 + 999 · 10237249 + 1 474501 p363 Nov 2014 Palindrome
1210400000 + 4 · (10102381 - 1)/9 · 10148810 + 1 400001 p413 Jul 2021 Palindrome
1310390636 + 999 · 10195317 + 1 390637 p363 Nov 2014 Palindrome
1410362600 + 666 · 10181299 + 1 362601 p363 Nov 2014 Palindrome
1510320236 + 10160118 + 1 + (137 · 10160119 + 731 · 10159275) · (10843 - 1)/999 320237 p44 Mar 2014 Palindrome
1610320096 + 10160048 + 1 + (137 · 10160049 + 731 · 10157453) · (102595 - 1)/999 320097 p44 Mar 2014 Palindrome
1710314727 - 8 · 10157363 - 1 314727 p235 Jan 2013 Near - repdigit, palindrome
1810300010 + 10204235 + 12345678987654321 · 10149997 + 1095775 + 1 300011 x45 Dec 2024 Palindrome
1910300000 + 5 · (1048153 - 1)/9 · 10125924 + 1 300001 p413 Jun 2021 Palindrome
2010300000 + 10158172 + 11011 · 10149998 + 10141828 + 1 300001 p409 Sep 2024 Palindrome

(up) References

H. Dubner and R. Ondrejka, "A PRIMEr on palindromes," J. Recreational Math., 26:4 (1994) 256--267.
H. Gabai and D. Coogan, "On palindromes and palindromic primes," Math. Mag., 42 (1969) 252--254.  MR0253979
G. L. Honaker, Jr. and C. Caldwell, "Palindromic prime pyramids," J. Recreational Math., 30:3 (1999-2000) 169--176.
Iséki, Kiyoshi, "Palindromic prime numbers from experimental number theory," Math. Japon., 33:5 (1988) 715--720.  MR 972382
Iséki, Kiyoshi, "Palindromic prime numbers," Math. Japon., 33:6 (1988) 861--862.  MR 975864
Iséki, Kiyoshi, "Palindromic prime numbers from experimental number theory. II," Math. Japon., 33:6 (1988) 863--872.  MR 975865
W. McDaniel, "Palindromic Smith numbers," J. Recreational Math., 19:1 (1987) 34--37.
P. Ribenboim, The new book of prime number records, 3rd edition, Springer-Verlag, New York, NY, 1995.  pp. xxiv+541, ISBN 0-387-94457-5. MR 96k:11112 [An excellent resource for those with some college mathematics. Basically a Guinness Book of World Records for primes with much of the relevant mathematics. The extensive bibliography is seventy-five pages.]
Printed from the PrimePages <> © Reginald McLean.