
The Prime Pages keeps a list of the 5000 largest known primes, plus a few each of certain selected archivable forms and classes. These forms are defined in this collection's home page.

This page is about one of those forms.

(up) Definitions and Notes

(Note that factorial and multifactorial primes now have their own pages.)

Let p# (p-primorial) be the product of the primes less than or equal to p so

Primorial primes come in two flavors: primorial plus one: p#+1, and primorial minus one: p#-1. p#+1 is prime for the primes p=2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 31, 379, 1019, 1021, 2657, 3229, 4547, 4787, 11549, 13649, 18523, 23801, 24029 and 42209 (18241 digits). (See [Borning72], [Templer80], [BCP82], and [Caldwell95].) p#-1 is prime for primes p=3, 5, 11, 13, 41, 89, 317, 337, 991, 1873, 2053, 2377, 4093, 4297, 4583, 6569, 13033 and 15877 (6845 digits). Both forms have been tested for all primes p < 100000 [CG00]. There is more information of primorial and factorial primes in [Dubner87] and [Dubner89a].

(up) Record Primes of this Type

rankprime digitswhowhencomment
17351117# + 1 3191401 p448 Sep 2024 Primorial
26533299# - 1 2835864 p447 Aug 2024 Primorial
36369619# + 1 2765105 p445 Aug 2024 Primorial
46354977# - 1 2758832 p446 Aug 2024 Primorial
55256037# + 1 2281955 p444 Aug 2024 Primorial
64778027# - 1 2073926 p442 Aug 2024 Primorial
74328927# + 1 1878843 p442 Jul 2024 Primorial
83267113# - 1 1418398 p301 Sep 2021 Primorial
91098133# - 1 476311 p346 Mar 2012 Primorial
10843301# - 1 365851 p302 Dec 2010 Primorial
11392113# + 1 169966 p16 Sep 2001 Primorial
12366439# + 1 158936 p16 Aug 2001 Primorial
13145823# + 1 63142 p21 May 2000 Primorial
1442209# + 1 18241 p8 May 1999 Primorial
1524029# + 1 10387 C Dec 1993 Primorial
1623801# + 1 10273 C Dec 1993 Primorial
1718523# + 1 8002 D Dec 1989 Primorial
1815877# - 1 6845 CD Dec 1992 Primorial
1913649# + 1 5862 D Dec 1987 Primorial
2013033# - 1 5610 CD Dec 1992 Primorial

(up) References

J. P. Buhler, R. E. Crandall and M. A. Penk, "Primes of the form n! ± 1 and 2 · 3 · 5 ... p ± 1," Math. Comp., 38:158 (1982) 639--643.  Corrigendum in Math. Comp. 40 (1983), 727.  MR 83c:10006
A. Borning, "Some results for k! ± 1 and 2 · 3 · 5 ... p ± 1," Math. Comp., 26 (1972) 567--570.  MR 46:7133
C. Caldwell, "On the primality of n! ± 1 and 2 · 3 · 5 ... p ± 1," Math. Comp., 64:2 (1995) 889--890.  MR 95g:11003
C. Caldwell and H. Dubner, "Primorial, factorial and multifactorial primes," Math. Spectrum, 26:1 (1993/4) 1--7.
C. Caldwell and Y. Gallot, "On the primality of n! ± 1 and 2 × 3 × 5 × ... × p ± 1," Math. Comp., 71:237 (2002) 441--448.  MR 2002g:11011 (Abstract available) (Annotation available)
H. Dubner, "Factorial and primorial primes," J. Recreational Math., 19:3 (1987) 197--203.
H. Dubner, "A new primorial prime," J. Recreational Math., 21:4 (1989) 276.
M. Křížek and L. Somer, "Euclidean primes have the minimum number of primitive roots," JP J. Algebra Number Theory Appl., 12:1 (2008) 121--127.  MR2494078
M. Templer, "On the primality of k! + 1 and 2 * 3 * 5 * ... * p + 1," Math. Comp., 34 (1980) 303-304.  MR 80j:10010
Printed from the PrimePages <> © Reginald McLean.