Consecutive Primes in Arithmetic Progression

The Prime Pages keeps a list of the 5000 largest known primes, plus a few each of certain selected archivable forms and classes. These forms are defined in this collection's home page.

This page is about one of those forms.

(up) Definitions and Notes

Are there primes in every arithmetic progression? If so, how many?  Dirichlet's theorem tells that the answers are usually 'yes,' and 'there are infinitely many primes.'
Dirichlet's Theorem on Primes in Arithmetic Progressions (1837)
If a and b are relatively prime positive integers, then the arithmetic progression a, a+b, a+2b, a+3b, ... contains infinitely many primes.
This theorem does not say that there are infinitely may consecutive terms in this sequence which are primes. First van der Corput (in 1939) and then Chowla (in 1944) proved this for the case of three consecutive terms.  Finally, in 2004, Ben Green and Terence Tao proved that there were arbitrarily long arithmetic progressions of primes. Here though we have an even more stringent condition. We are looking for n consecutive primes in arithmetic progressions.  It is conjectured that there are such primes, but this has not even been shown in for the case of n=3 primes.

In 1967, Jones, Lal & Blundon found five consecutive primes in arithmetic progression: (1010 + 24493 + 30k, k = 0, 1, 2, 3, 4).  That same year Lander & Parkin discovered six (121174811 + 30k, k = 0, 1, ..., 5).  After a gap of twenty years the number was increased from six to seven by Dubner & Nelson; then in quick succession, eight, nine and finally ten by Dubner, Forbes, Lygeros, Mizony, Nelson & Zimmermann.  They wrote:

In the search for nine and ten primes, we obtained help from the Internet community and by an incredible coincidence the actual discoverer was the same person in both instances - Manfred Toplic.
Those holding the current record of ten expect that the ten-primes record will stand for a long time.  Eleven consecutive primes in arithmetic progression require a common difference of at least 2310 and they project that a search is not feasible without a new idea or a trillion-fold improvement in computer speeds.

(up) Record Primes of this Type

rankprime digitswhowhencomment
117484430616589 · 254201 + 5 16330 E14 Jun 2024 term 3, difference 6, ECPP
22494779036241 · 249800 + 13 15004 c93 Apr 2022 term 3, difference 6
3664342014133 · 239840 + 1 12005 p408 Apr 2020 term 3, difference 30
43428602715439 · 235678 + 13 10753 c93 Apr 2020 term 3, difference 6, ECPP
52683143625525 · 235176 + 13 10602 c92 Dec 2019 term 3, difference 6, ECPP
635734184537 · 11677#/3 + 9 5002 c98 Jun 2024 term 4, difference 6, ECPP
762399583639 · 9923# - 3399421517 4285 c98 Nov 2021 term 4, difference 30, ECPP
862753735335 · 7919# + 3399421667 3404 c98 Oct 2021 term 4, difference 30, ECPP
9(1021328211729 · 2521# · (483 · 2521# + 1) + 2310) · (483 · 2521# - 1)/210 + 19 3207 c100 Jul 2023 term 4, difference 6, ECPP
10121152729080 · 7019#/1729 + 19 3025 c92 Oct 2019 term 4, difference 6, ECPP
112738129459017 · 4211# + 3399421637 1805 c98 Jan 2022 term 5, difference 30
12652229318541 · 3527# + 3399421637 1504 c98 Oct 2021 term 5, difference 30, ECPP
13449209457832 · 3307# + 1633050403 1408 c98 Oct 2021 term 5, difference 30, ECPP
142746496109133 · 3001# + 27011 1290 c97 Oct 2021 term 5, difference 30, ECPP
15406463527990 · 2801# + 1633050403 1209 x38 Nov 2013 term 5, difference 30
16533098369554 · 2357# + 3399421667 1012 c98 Nov 2021 term 6, difference 30, ECPP

(up) References

S. Chowla, "There exists an infinity of 3--combinations of primes in A. P.," Proc. Lahore Phil. Soc., 6 (1944) 15--16.  MR 7,243l
A. G. van der Corput, "Über Summen von Primzahlen und Primzahlquadraten," Math. Ann., 116 (1939) 1--50.
H. Dubner, T. Forbes, N. Lygeros, M. Mizony, H. Nelson and P. Zimmermann, "Ten consecutive primes in arithmetic progression," Math. Comp., 71:239 (2002) 1323--1328 (electronic).  MR 1 898 760 (Abstract available)
H. Dubner, T. Forbes, N. Lygeros, M. Mizony, H. Nelson and P. Zimmermann, "Ten consecutive primes in arithmetic progression," Math. Comp., 71:239 (2002) 1323--1328 (electronic).  MR 1 898 760 (Abstract available)
H. Dubner and H. Nelson, "Seven consecutive primes in arithmetic progression," Math. Comp., 66 (1997) 1743--1749.  MR 98a:11122 (Abstract available)
Green, Ben and Tao, Terence, "The primes contain arbitrarily long arithmetic progressions," Ann. of Math. (2), 167:2 (2008) 481--547.  ( MR 2415379
Guy94 (section A6)
R. K. Guy, Unsolved problems in number theory, Springer-Verlag, 1994.  New York, NY, ISBN 0-387-94289-0. MR 96e:11002 [An excellent resource! Guy briefly describes many open questions, then provides numerous references. See his newer editions of this text.]
M. F. Jones, M. Lal and W. J. Blundon, "Statistics on certain large primes," Math. Comp., 21:97 (1967) 103--107.  MR 36:3707
B. Kra, "The Green-Tao theorem on arithmetic progressions in the primes: an ergodic point of view," Bull. Amer. Math. Soc., 43:1 (2006) 3--23 (electronic).  ( MR 2188173 (Abstract available)
L. J. Lander and T. R. Parkin, "Consecutive primes in arithmetic progression," Math. Comp., 21 (1967) 489.
L. J. Lander and T. R. Parkin, "On first appearance of prime differences," Math. Comp., 21:99 (1967) 483-488.  MR 37:6237
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