Random Small Primes

210 to 300 digits (page 3 of 3)

Here is a frequently asked question at the Prime Pages:
I need some big primes, not as big as on your list of world records, but with a couple hundred digits.  Where can I find them?
Below I give some small primes. Obviously these should not be used for serious cryptological uses which rely on the secrecy of the prime factors of a modulus (as they have been published here) but they will suffice for testing such algorithms... I started with a string of "random" digits (created using UBASIC's irnd() function), checked for small prime divisors, and if there were none, I used APRT-CL for the primality proof (so these are all proven to be primes).

Digits: (smaller) 210, 220, 230, 240, 250, 260, 270, 280, 290, 300, (larger)

[up] Ten random 210 digit primes

[up] Ten random 220 digit primes

[up] Ten random 230 digit primes

[up] Ten random 240 digit primes

[up] Ten random 250 digit primes

[up] Ten random 260 digit primes

[up] Ten random 270 digit primes

[up] Ten random 280 digit primes

[up] Ten random 290 digit primes

[up] Five random 300 digit primes

Printed from the PrimePages <t5k.org> © Reginald McLean.