multiply perfect

Recall that a perfect number is an integer that is the sum of its aliquot divisors, that is, all of its positive divisors except itself. Another way to say this is: n is perfect if the sum of all of its positive divisors, denoted sigma(n), is twice n. Any positive integer n which divides the sum of its positive divisors is called multiply perfect or k-perfect where k is the index sigma(n)/n. For example, here are the smallest multiply perfect numbers for their index:

indexsmallestnamefound by
430240 4-perfectDescartes, c. 1638
5141824390405-perfectDescartes, c. 1638
6 1543455560857706496006-perfectCarmichael, 1907

Fermat (not Carmichael) was the first to find a 6-perfect number (in 1643):


You might want to try your hand at proving the following theorems:

See Also: SigmaFunction, PerfectNumber

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