Mersenne Prime Search Status

Here are the Great Internet Mersenne Prime Search status images. Each pixel in these images corresponds to a Mersenne number. The data for these images comes from the human readable files dated October 2, 1997.

The latest up-to-date images of the GIMPS status may be found at: [dead link:] thanks to David J. Fred.

The following colors show the status of these Mersenne numbers:

linear image of Mersenne search status
(Click here for a very fast 2X zoom)
(Click here for 12 months of progress animation)

This is the same data as above but plotted in a square clockwise spiral.

spiral image of Mersenne search status
(Click here for a very fast 2X zoom)
(Click here for 12 months of progress animation)

Here is a link back to Luke's Mersenne page.

Send comments or suggestions to Herb Savage.