Top person sorted by number of primes

The Prover-Account Top 20
Persons by: number score normalized score
Programs by: number score normalized score
Projects by: number score normalized score

At this site we keep several lists of primes, most notably the list of the 5,000 largest known primes. Who found the most of these record primes? We keep separate counts for persons, projects and programs. To see these lists click on 'number' to the right.

Clearly one 100,000,000 digit prime is much harder to discover than quite a few 100,000 digit primes. Based on the usual estimates we score the top persons, provers and projects by adding ‎(log n)3 log log n‎ for each of their primes n. Click on 'score' to see these lists.

Finally, to make sense of the score values, we normalize them by dividing by the current score of the 5000th prime. See these by clicking on 'normalized score' in the table on the right.

216 Willem Siemelink 4.8333 46.8559
217 Dmitrij Sesok 4.5 47.6682
218 John Renze 4.45 37.0765
219 David Underbakke 4 46.4402
219 Ruediger K. Eckhard 4 47.7547
219 Karsten Bonath 4 46.8659
219 Dale Laluk 4 47.3199
219 Rick Reynolds 4 48.0085
219 Yuki Yoshigoe 4 47.9028
219 John Sheridan 4 47.5474
219 Evelyn Chew 4 48.1508
219 Sylvanus A. Zimmerman 4 52.2575
219 Robert Lacroix 4 47.9765
219 Andrew M Farrow 4 49.9997
219 Yuhei Asano 4 48.1708
219 Ross Goudie 4 47.0226
219 Thomaz Santana 4 47.1827
219 Randy Eldredge 4 49.0085
219 Eli T. Drumm 4 48.9750
219 David Bestor 4 48.2295
219 Tyler Bredl 4 47.4778
219 Bart van Rooijen 4 46.8478
219 Jay Parangalan 4 47.5858
219 Rod Skinner 4 49.2391
219 Jens Riemann 4 48.2154
219 Gregory Coscia 4 48.0783
219 Lorin Arnold 4 49.0704
219 Robert Heindl 4 48.5317
219 James S. Gilliland 4 47.9422
219 Harsh Aggarwal 4 46.9604
219 James Early 4 48.0507
219 Daniel Frużyński 4 47.9872
219 Hendrik Schawe 4 47.8864
219 Rudi Tapper 4 51.6208
219 Kai Gerstenberger 4 48.9310
219 Gary Bauer 4 48.1755
219 Mike Kinney 4 47.9232
219 Kristine Wozny 4 46.8929
219 Alvaro Morera 4 48.1576
219 Arne Sielemann 4 47.9273
219 Lars Fricke 4 47.3976
219 Todd Pickering 4 49.1319
219 William de Thomas 4 48.6019
219 Dawid Kwiatkowski 4 48.4488
219 Alan E. Monroe 4 48.2969
219 Alexander Cherenkov 4 47.5479
219 Paweł Dec 4 48.0013
219 Barry Schnur 4 50.4782
219 Joshua Brown 4 48.1281
219 Andreas Jourdan 4 48.0816
219 Vassili Koriabine 4 48.0497
219 NitaMinttu Tirkkonen 4 48.0378
219 Sven Jungmann 4 48.0346
219 Mischa Rodermond 4 47.4248
219 Matej Rizman 4 46.8049
219 Prescott Thompson 4 48.5121
219 Jonathan Drake 4 48.2838
219 Friedrich Yuhma Steinwedel 4 47.9981
219 Greg Nelson 4 47.4908

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Number of primes

When counting primes we decided that if three people (persons) went together to find a prime, each should get credit for 1/3 of a prime. The same is true for projects, however programs get full credit for each prime (to encourage honest reporting of what programs where used). Persons, programs and projects are three separate categories and do not compete against each other.

For example, suppose the persons 'Carmody' and 'Caldwell' worked together and used the program 'PRP' to test candidates selected by the 'GFN 2^13 Sieving project', then completed their proofs using 'Proth.exe'. Then the persons 'Carmody' and 'Caldwell' would get 1/2 credit for each prime found; but the project 'GFN 2^13 Sieving project' and the programs 'PRP' and 'Proth.exe' would each get full credit.<\p>

Printed from the PrimePages <> © Reginald McLean.